Doing What We Dream Of

27 September 2013
233 words • 1 minute

As kids, we all dream of being someone when we grow up. It might be hard to believe, and maybe it was because of all the books I had around me when I was growing up; I wanted to write. That's it. Spend time with books, read and write.

The next thing I wanted to be, was a superhero. I guess that is a phase in every boy's life when growing up. Superheroes are awesome. They're perfect, powerful and can do whatever they want.

Then I entered this thing we call 'the system'. I try to keep things interesting because most of the 'normal' things don't make sense to me. I like doing things because there is a logical reason behind them, not because everyone else does it.

As I keep repeating like a parrot, Steve Jobs said some amazing things about doing what you love. The movie 'Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara' had similar tones of choosing happiness in life.

A friend of mine recently shared this video.

Once again, I was reminded of all the people who hate their work, and feel it doesn't make a difference either. But they're stuck in there just because.

Life is short. We should keep it exciting, amazing and interesting. Doing boring things sucks. You never know when you're going to run out of the limited time you have on this planet. Choose to do things wisely.